Prana Shakti Calendar Design

Recently I created a design of a Hindu goddess called Prana Shakti. Today this design was posted over at Smashing Magazine as a June entry in their monthly calendar contest. It is also available as a desktop wallpaper and comes in several sizes.

Prana Shakti is symbolized as a beautiful Hindu goddess who holds weapons in each of her hands representing victory over different negative aspects of human existence and the unfoldment of our divine nature.

Here is a mini picture of the calendar version of the Prana Shakti:


If you want to see it along with the other calendars for the month, and/or get your own free download go to Smashing Magazine and scroll down. Exciting news as they currently have almost 115,000 subscribers.

A New Website

My web design partner Swami Atma and I were recently awarded with the job of redesigning a web site for the Yoga Center in Madrid, Spain. As it turns out it is a very nice yoga center which has quite a large number of students. I met the owner Shanmug while I was in Germany over the summer. We didn’t know at the time that we would end up redesigning their website for them.

I am very much looking forward to working on this project. At some future point maybe I’ll post the finished design.

Siva Calendar Design

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I had started doing some website designs in addition to my yoga teaching. Today one of my designs was posted over on a design website which has more than 100,000 subscribers as of today. I entered it as a desktop wallpaper calendar for October, 2008, available in several sizes.

Here is a mini picture of the calendar version of the Siva:

Also there are wallpaper versions available of the same print, but without the calendar. If you want to see it along with the other calendars for the month, and/or get your own free download go to Smashing Magazine and scroll down.

Web Design

Over the past year I have slowly been working towards doing more and more web design work.Together with Swami Atma, we decided to make it official and start marketing more in this direction. I create the designs and site layouts, and he does the programming and behind the scenes work for clients who request custom web sites.

So far we have created already a number of sites. You can see our website and portfolio at

We are specializing in high end, polished, professionally designed and programmed sites for small and medium businesses.

If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact us or send them our way.